


Newport Road



It was great news to hear that selected KFC stores were opening for drive-thru only, so we decided to pay them a visit…

Our nearest store was in Newport Road in Cardiff, and when we arrived there was a good queue, as you’d expect. We waited our turn and eventually got to the speaker where you place your order. There was a limited menu on offer, which consisted of set and box meals. This was great as we were really hungry. 

We placed our order with a very polite man through the speaker, and apart from a few small errors, mainly of mis-hearing I guess, this went quite well. We waited patiently and eventually got to the payment/collection window and was told the price, and this is where things started going downhill…fast!

The price we were told seemed quite high for just 3 meals, going large on all of them, but guessed it must have been our calculations that were wrong..

After paying, we collected our drinks, then the meals were handed to us in a large paper bag, and we drove off to a nearby carpark to consume our much awaited KFC. Upon breaking a ‘Checked and Sealed’ sticker on opening the bag we discovered just 2 meals much to our horror! We searched about in the bag thinking it must have not been put in a box and was separate, but it wasn’t. We checked the receipt..and found we had been charged for 4 meals, and been only given 2..

We headed straight back and found an employee sitting outside the car park entrance who was supervising the queue of cars and answering any questions. We explained to him that we had been charged for 4 meals but only been given 2. He took our receipt and disappeared inside. When he returned he apologised and said there was nothing he could do as he had checked with the packer and had been told we had definitely been given all our meals. We re-joined the queue of cars and proceeded straight past the speaker to the window (eventually as the queue was now even bigger). We asked to speak to the Manager and explained the issue. For some reason this took him quite a while to grasp and tried to insist we had been given the correct amount of meals. 

However, when he finally understood, he refunded us the extra meal then went away and after quite some time, returned with a large bag which he handed to us, gave a quick and extremely brief apology and disappeared again.

This was certainly not the greatest experience we have had by far, so would we recommend this store? We have been in this store and sat inside previously and while the service is nothing to write home about, and you often have to wait a while for your order. However, when you do get your food, it has always been hot and tasty.

Date of visit:  16th May 2020



Speed Of Service




Overall Value
